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website redesign case study

A Leading Provider of Market Intelligence and Compliance Solutions

Trusted by 14000+ Companies Globally


The modern procurement function plays an incredibly strategic role. A role is defined in four words: minimize risk, maximize opportunity.


The post-COVID new normal has created new forms of financial and operational risk.


This has forced procurement functions to adapt to ensure the timely supply of goods and services while reducing supply chain risks.

About the client

web development case study
  • When it comes to maximizing opportunities, uncertain market forces demand customized intelligence that enables smart sourcing decisions and improves category management. This means new savings opportunities, lower costs, and greater profits.
  • The client partnered with top Fortune 500 companies across the world to complement or leverage the offerings to provide greater value to their customers. By integrating the client’s offerings with this platform, their partners take advantage of the client’s global reach and grow their businesses.

The solutions we provided

AI Chat Bot

AI Chat Bot

The AI Chat Bot stood as the pioneering AI-driven digital market analyst, offering proactive category alerts round the clock, effortlessly accessible from any location.

Alert Distribution System

Alert Distribution System

The Alert Distribution System serves as a dynamic platform designed for sharing vital category-specific information (e.g., caustic soda) by generating and disseminating alerts to subscribed users.

Health Score

Category Health Score

The Category Health Score platform offers users the ability to access health scores for chosen categories and subcategories, tailored to specific locations, and presented in a graphical format.

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Health Care Case Study

Digitizing One of India’s Largest Healthcare Institutions

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